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产品名称: JBER便携式加热采样探管
产品型号: 便携式加热采样探管
产品展商: 申贝
产品文档: 无相关文档


为了满足市场上新的测量标准对便携式比对测量的要求,JCT公司推出了新的便携式加热型采样探管 JPES。 根据抽取法测量标准§§ 26, 28 BImSchG ,网格法测量是非常重要的方法。我们的便携式加热采样探管JBER正好满足这个需求。JBER与我们其他的采样管几本保持相似,参数也基本一样。 您使用时无须任何法兰安装工具。没有特别的电源要求,因JBER可以与加热采样气管和探头连接到一起。加热时间可以在15分钟内完成,更无须其他单独的控制部件。 新产品JBER与便携式加热采样探头JPES一起满足了抽取法排放测量的市场需求,使得确保了重要测量的结果。

JBER便携式加热采样探管  的详细介绍

To fulfill latest standards for portable measurement one year ago JCT Analysentechnik launched the portable heated gas sampling probe JPES into the market.

As in many applications like emission monitoring examination and measurements according §§ 26, 28 BImSchG standard also grid measurements are an important topic. In this concern we are pleased to announce the introduction of our portable heated sampling pipe JBER. The heated sampling pipe can be added seamless to our portable probe. And of course the features stay the same.

You will not need any tools or other equipment for mounting. No additional power supply is needed because the JBER will be plugged between heated hose and probe. Heating time is less than 15 minutes to be ready for measurement as fast as possible. And of course no extra controller is needed.

This new product addition makes the portable heated sampling probe JPES to an outstanding solution for the examination of emission monitoring plants where flexibility and sustainable results are essential.

To fulfill latest standards for portable measurement one year ago JCT Analysentechnik launched the portable heated gas sampling probe JPES into the market.

As in many applications like emission monitoring examination and measurements according §§ 26, 28 BImSchG standard also grid measurements are an important topic. In this concern we are pleased to announce the introduction of our portable heated sampling pipe JBER. The heated sampling pipe can be added seamless to our portable probe. And of course the features stay the same.

You will not need any tools or other equipment for mounting. No additional power supply is needed because the JBER will be plugged between heated hose and probe. Heating time is less than 15 minutes to be ready for measurement as fast as possible. And of course no extra controller is needed.

This new product addition makes the portable heated sampling probe JPES to an outstanding solution for the examination of emission monitoring plants where flexibility and sustainable results are essential.

便携式水质快速检测仪 便携式水质多参数分析仪 水污染水质指纹预警溯源仪 甲烷检测仪 三维光谱荧光水质指纹分析仪 热球风速仪 热成像仪 红外摄像机 便携式氢火焰离子化检测仪 便携式水污染物监测设备 土壤重金属分析采样器 探地雷达暗管探测仪 海水水质快速测定仪 现场执法记录仪 红外热成像气体泄漏检测仪 微风风速计 无人机 多参数气体检测仪 粉尘快速测定仪 快检试剂包 便携式水质重金属测定仪 便携式γ谱仪 工频场强测量仪 电磁辐射射频综合场强仪 电磁辐射选频分析仪 个人剂量报警仪 便携式核素识别仪 便携式X射线荧光测定仪 恶臭监测仪 便携式油烟检测仪 移动执法包 便携式水质现场监测仪 土壤综**样套装 VOC检测仪 便携式气体检测仪 固定污染源VOCs采样器 个人防护包 车用尿素检定仪 油气回收三项检测仪 便携式水质重金属检测仪 恒流采样器 车载冷冻冷藏冰箱 土壤重金属检测仪 便携式x、γ辐射剂量仪 傅立叶红外气体检测仪 电子分析天平 手持式光离子化检测仪PID 便携式多种气体分析仪 便携式气相色谱仪 αβ表面污染测量仪 应急检测箱 生命搜救雷达 大型通道式车辆放射性监测系统 NG1130 车载放射性物质搜寻系统 多功能辐射分析仪 生物毒性分析仪 手持式核素识别仪 便携式化学战剂及工业有毒气体探测仪 生物毒剂侦检仪 土壤检测仪
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